Horary questions
Please read the following carefully before purchase.
You can double check my availability before purchase here: www.druish.com/book-a-reading-with-dru-ish/ Please note that I don't work all year round and there are some times when my books are not open. You can message me at the link above to clarify.
All info about asking a Horary question is available at www.druish.com/horary-questions
Each Horary question is offered at a base rate of $75 on the sliding scale. All prices at check out include unavoidable booking fee eg: $75 +$5 booking fee = $80. Payment can be made below. Your question will not be judged prior to, or without payment. Once payment is received you will receive an email with instructions for how to ask your question. Please be sure to use the email address (in the form below) where you can be contacted.
By making payment you are agreeing to the terms and conditions listed in the cancellation, refund, privacy policy found here: https://druish.com/cancellation-refund-policy/
All readings are offered on a sliding scale. Sliding scale options mean that you choose the tier of payment that suits your income. Life is not a level playing field and it is important to me that my services remain accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial situation.
The lowest price you see for each reading is the base rate. If you are in a financial situation that enables you to pay more than the base rate, please do. This is an honour system. There is no judgement in how much you pay, or difference in the service you receive. If you are unsure of how much to pay, suggested tiers can be found below.
Horary questions remain free for refugees, incarcerated persons, or those facing incarceration, asking about their situation and women / queers in domestic violence situations asking about their DV situation. Please contact Dru before posing a question if this applies to you.